Being an artist means ceasing to take seriously that very serious person we are when we are not an artist. Jose Ortega y Gasset



23 June 2010

Plan for Figment (in silence) Festival 2010 for Gravity Sucks

Gravity sucks is a collaboration with Jesse Newman (Performer in video below - raw footage from Figment 2010), who has previously appeared in our blog posts - Check out his blog While this machine is to him.

Invocation: Silent, solitary, suffocating, and stilling bout of immediate laughter.

Ties: Appear unable to figure out how to tie a tie, so seek out and attain aid from chanced-upon tie-wearers.

Pictures: Attempt to convince passersby to film and photograph performance of familiarity, the products of which will be compiled on blog.

Approvals: Do anything for as long as physically possible except talk.

Introductions: Be unwilling to progress further than a handshake or hug with stranger.

Charities: Convince passersby to accept one penny and that they owe nothing to anyone.

Separations: Undertake with aid of notes to establish unique 'six degrees' that separate two apparent strangers.